Who am I
I am a proud resident of Holubice, Kozinec village.
This is the placeholder website. Future update will come.
Powerd by Lumidan.eu and Sixpackholubice.cz
Supported by Centrumharmony.cz.
Based using HTML5 UP
I am a proud resident of Holubice, Kozinec village.
This is the placeholder website. Future update will come.
As mentioned in Who am I, I live in Holubice, Kozinec village. So beautiful place for sports of any kind.
You can see lots of interested things in this village.
This site is powered by Nette Framework even it is not neccessary.
Basic template was downloaded from HTML5 UP website.
The server runs on dedicated RPI 4B 2GB machine @home.
You may contact me directly if you would like.
If you have any question or you are willing to write me, you can write to a following email:
Use the domain name you are currently on, add "@" sign before it and before "@" character, just write "info".